just note that
In cvFindFundamentalMat, if you pass CV_8S status in OpenCV 2.1 it will have an error like this
The type should be CV_8UC1 which is worked with both version
In cvFindFundamentalMat, if you pass CV_8S status in OpenCV 2.1 it will have an error like this
OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (src.depth() == dst.depth() && src.size() == dst.size()) in cvCopy, file /mnt/disk/AIT/OpenCV/OpenCV-2.1.0/src/cxcore/cxcopy.cpp, line 466
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception'
what(): /mnt/disk/AIT/OpenCV/OpenCV-2.1.0/src/cxcore/cxcopy.cpp:466: error: (-215) src.depth() == dst.depth() && src.size() == dst.size() in function cvCopy
The type should be CV_8UC1 which is worked with both version