1) First, I tried VPN using ubuntu network manager plug-in ( network-manager-openconnect and network-manager-openvpn ), but sounds like it cannot connect to FortiNet VPN.
They use their own client.
2) Then, I logged in into the gateway website, but there only the download client for windows, mac, iOS, and android.
No Linux !!!! WTF !!!
3) I tried to digged down a bit, and found this answer from Jack Frost.
The fortinet website do have provide, I quoted his answer here.
left menu: Firmware-Images
then click Fortigate, then navigate to V4.00, then to SSL VPN Clients, (or) download forticlientsslvpn_linux_4.0.2010.tar.gz`
However, after I registered, fortinet does not allow me to load.
Sorry, you don't have any product covered by Fortinet support contract.
4) Therefore, I tried to find the tar myself. I would like to find from the reliable source. Then I found in one of reliable site that I can download.
Running the program
1) Execute from the binary `./forticlientsslvpn`2) They ask privilege to install on first time
3) dependency
When run the binary for first time we may face the error
Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
This can be solved by install the dependency as from suggestion here.
sudo apt-get install libcanberra-gtk-module:i386
4) be careful, we have to enter `yes`, after finish reading `terms and condition`
5) After that fortinet allows us to fill-in the Server/User/Password.
and of course, the default port is 10443
6) Now we can continue using rdesktop
disconnect: Internal licensing error.
when rdesktop
solution is
~/.rdesktop$ mv licence.dsin-laptop _licence.dsin-laptop
and try to reconnect again
mstsc /adminwill be
rdesktop -0
ref :